uemet gmbh – uebigauer metal processing
Uemet GmbH offers customised and client oriented solutions in the metal sector. It has a long-time know-how in the fabrication of sheet metal components, assembly groups and housing systems. From component parts to assembly groups: uemet GmbH advises, builts and develops solutions from prototypes to series manufacturing.
Among the wide range of fabrication technology and possibilities are cutting, punching, chamfering, lasing, welding, powder coating and wet lacquering, as well as the own fixture and prototype production.
The company was founded in 1991 as Felten & Guilleaume Schaltanlagen Uebigau GmbH and was created as the successor company in its today shape in 2008.
uemet GmbH
Gewerbepark-Nord 9
04938 Uebigau-Wahrenbrück
+49 (0) 35365 / 44 99 - 0
+49 (0) 35365 / 44 99 - 510